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Beginner's Guide to Social Media: Understanding and Using the Marketing Power of the Internet

Monday, December 10th 2012 3:00 pm - 5:45 pm

Champagne 2

This two-hour and 45-minute session will provide you with a comprehensive overview of social media and, in particular, its application in the air show business. Following a broadly based summary of social media and its evolution during the last ten years, Landau will briefly describe the most popular and useful social media tools, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr, Mobile Apps, QR codes, and other platforms. The session will then focus specifically on how to use social media effectively to market your air show or air show business, including discussions on building a social media strategy, the differences between traditional marketing and social media marketing, the nature of information exchange on the internet, crafting your message, and establishing and maintaining social marketing momentum. The session will conclude with some situational exercises designed to put the program's content into a useful and practical context.
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