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Maintaining Strong Airport Relations: Techniques and Tactics for Avoiding Trouble on the Home Front

Tuesday, December 11th 2012 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm

Concorde A

Sadly, one of the most common causes for the demise of an otherwise successful air show is poor airport relations. Just as sadly: that kind of problem is largely unnecessary. In this highly interactive session (a slightly different version of which was one of the most successful educational programs at last year's ICAS Convention), you'll learn the importance of nurturing a positive relationship with airport personnel. You'll hear different tips for anticipating potential problems and addressing those issues proactively, before they ever become a problem. We'll discuss proven techniques for involving airport personnel in critical decisions and avoiding some of the common disagreements and misunderstandings that sometimes develop between air show and airport personnel. And, we'll address your specific questions on issues related to airport relations.
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