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FAA Form 7711-2 and DD Form 2535: Understanding and Completing the Two Most Important Forms in the U.S. Air Show Business

Monday, December 10th 2012 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm


Although every air show in the United States conducts their business a bit differently from other shows, the two things that almost all of them have in common is that they begin their planning process by completing and submitting DD Form 2535 to request military support and FAA Form 7711-2 to request the FAA to grant a waiver to normal federal regulations. In this session, we'll discuss the details of these two, very important forms and you'll get expert advice on how to fill them out efficiently, correctly and in a way that minimizes delays, rejections and other problems. This introductory level session will provide you with a very practical, "how to" oriented explanation of what to do and, just as importantly, what NOT to do when filling out these forms.
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