facebook tracker International Council of Air Shows International Council of Air Shows

IGNITE: Social Media

Wednesday, December 10th 2014 9:45 am - 10:45 am

Miranda 1-2

Social media in its many different forms has revolutionized mass communications during the last decade. And, in the spirit of the interactive nature of Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram and other social media tools, ICAS will conduct a series of interactive discussions on different aspects of the social media phenomenon and its applications to the air show business. Specifically, we will discuss 1) putting the power of Facebook advertising to work to target those prospective customers who have already expressed an interest in aviation; 2) how to develop the right balance of social media involvement and the tools most suitable to your situation and customers; and 3) how to stay relevant in the social media environment during the weeks and months following your event. Come and learn what others are doing. Then share details on your own experiences in this fast-evolving field.