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Membership Meeting & Keynote: Why and How Millennials Will Soon Become the Air Show Community's Core Constituency

Wednesday, December 6th 2017 8:30 am - 10:00 am

Concorde Ballroom

As traditional air show audiences mature, our industry is faced with both the opportunity and challenge of attracting Millennials to our events. After decades of appealing principally to Greatest Generation and Baby Boom customers, how should our business adjust to attract a new generation of spectators who have never considered airplanes to be exotic or mysterious? Are we ready to accommodate a new group of customers who might not be as interested in buying hot dogs and hamburgers? How will our marketing efforts change as we work to attract adults between the ages of 18 and 40 who are more likely to be motivated by an on-site promotion or recommendation from a friend than a television commercial that runs during local news coverage? Peter Shurman is a general aviation pilot, communicator and author who has studied and written extensively about Millennials. In this special presentation, he will share what he has learned and how it is likely to impact air shows during both the short- and long-term.